Tag Archives: db2

DB2 (Reason code = “18”.. SQLCODE=-30090, SQLSTATE=25000)

By | February 8, 2017

In a setup having an enterprise application depending on a database instance where some tables are defined as nicknames to tables from a federated database, it can happen to get this very cryptic DB2 error. I already had a post related to this case when the setup uses access to a federated database https://blog.voina.org/db2-sql-error-30090-caused-by-read-only-table-nickname-to-a-federated-database/. You… Read More »

Clone DB2 10g FC23 install to a virtual machine (FC23 or RHEL7)

By | February 8, 2017

I wanted to move my test db2 installation based on a Fedora Core 23 to a RHEL7 virtual machine without having to reinstall everything and not lose any data. This is in fact cloning my test environment database. This is not an easy task as is not officially supported by IBM but the beauty of… Read More »

DB2 + Websphere : Feature is not implemented: PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream

By | February 8, 2017

From a very strange reason after updating the hibernate4 from version 4.1.4 to 4.2.5 there was suddenly a weird behaviour of the EJB3.1 enterprise application I am working on. A piece of code that commits to the database an object (ProcessingStatus) containing a BLOB was throwing the following: [1/31/16 23:37:15:922 EET] 000000eb AbstractBatch Z org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal.AbstractBatchImpl… Read More »

Hibernate+DB2 : Adding new primitive data type member to an entity issue

By | February 8, 2017

This is an annoying issues of hibernate with DB2. Trying to add a new primitive type to an already existing entity will result in an error when updating the associated database table. As a result no update of the schema is done. Why is that ? When adding to an entity a new primitive type… Read More »

DB2: Inline LOBS

By | February 8, 2017

LOBS is the DB2 way of dealing with big data. In db2 you can have a table that contains a column defined as LOB where one can dump large binary data (images, compressed text files, video or audio). The problem is the way this LOBS are stored by DB2. By default they are stored “offline”… Read More »

DB2: Limit an UPDATE/DELETE query in DB2

By | February 8, 2017

There are times when a simple UPDATE or DELETE cannot be used directly on the database due to the huge amount of data stored in the table. We already covered the topic of increasing the transaction log, see post, but sometimes this is not enough. In the cases when too much data is going to… Read More »

DB2: (SQL Error: -30090) caused by XA access to a nickname to a federated database

By | February 8, 2017

In a setup having an enterprise application depending on a database instance where some tables are defined as nicknames to tables from a federated database, it can happen to get this very cryptic DB2 error. [12/10/15 18:06:54:895 IST] 00000073 SqlExceptionH Z org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions SQL Error: -4229, SQLState: null [12/10/15 18:06:54:903 IST] 00000073 SqlExceptionH Z org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper… Read More »

DB2: Finding and adding indices

By | February 8, 2017

DB2 has a very powerful tool (db2advice) to determine necessary indices for your DB2 database. Having a good index can have a very big boost in performance in any application. If working with high throughput systems it is crucial to have the right index. Note that my databse user is db2inst1 and database name MMS.… Read More »

DB2 Sqlcode: -964, Sqlstate: 57011 (transaction log for the database is full)

By | February 8, 2017

I got this error while doing some performance tests on a high volume system using DB2. This is the usual unintuitive error that IBM likes to give to the users 🙂 IN plain English this means that “The transaction log for the database is full.” This appears when you have to execute UPDATE or INSERT… Read More »